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Persimmon Cheesecake — 13 Comments

  1. Thank you for reposting your persimmon cheesecake. It is a favorite for my family. Plus I get awesome comments whenever I make it. I was In shock when it was taken down last week. I had made one but I still had to make another for a friend. I had to wing my second one. I forgot a few spices but it came out ok. I’m so happy my daughter emailed you. I will copy it this time so I never lose it again.

  2. I made this yesterday using wild persimmons from the trees in our woods. It is AMAZINGLY delicious. I didn’t have pecans on hand so I made it without nuts, the next time I make it I will make certain to have some to use. I love to make things with wild foods I forage from our property, this will become my go to recipe for each years persimmon harvest. Thank you!

    • That’s so cool! Persimmons are expensive here in Tucson AZ. If you liked that recipe then you are going to LOVE these cookies. The recipe has been passed down from my husbands grandma is a family holiday favorite. PERSIMMON COOKIES

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